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Chatilla van Grinsven has dedicated a significant amount of her time to community service programs throughout her career. Living in Philadelphia, van Grinsven became an active member of the “Heart of a Hawk” service program, where she dedicated her free time to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia while also serving food to the homeless people with the help of several local non-profit-organizations. Van Grinsven was awarded the Roosevelt Hunter Community Service Award in 2012. Van Grinsven was later nominated as the NCAA Woman of the Year Award in the United States; awarding her distinctive performance in the class-room, on the basketball court, and her service in the community.


Today, van Grinsven is an Ambassador for the Dutch political Faction PvdD (Faction for the Animals) as she actively advocates for human rights and animal welfare.



Chatilla van Grinsven is list pusher 2021 for the Dutch political Faction PvdD (Faction for the animals). Below are fragments of her ambassador activities.

Vooruitblik finale Big Balance: Wie wint er op nieuwjaarsdag in de ArenA?
Vooruitblik finale Big Balance: Wie wint er op nieuwjaarsdag in de ArenA?

Vooruitblik finale Big Balance: Wie wint er op nieuwjaarsdag in de ArenA?

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Chatilla over Big Balance: 'Waanzinnig eng, nog steeds nachtmerries'

Chatilla over Big Balance: 'Waanzinnig eng, nog steeds nachtmerries'

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Bargast Chatilla klikt met Johan: 'Anders had ik je wel een kans gegeven, hoor!' | DE ORANJEZOMER

Bargast Chatilla klikt met Johan: 'Anders had ik je wel een kans gegeven, hoor!' | DE ORANJEZOMER

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Chatilla na opmerking van René: 'Normaal gesproken zou ik je knock-down slaan' | VI VANDAAG

Chatilla na opmerking van René: 'Normaal gesproken zou ik je knock-down slaan' | VI VANDAAG

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